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Zinc Roofing in London
September 2, 2020
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Cambrian slates


Cambrian slates embody the beauty and character of natural slate providing a beauty finish to your roof.  Made using over 60% recycled natural Welsh slates.

Cambrian slates can be installed to roof pitches as low as 150 are light in weight and are suitable for most exposed sites.

Cambrian Slates have been rigorously tested in wind tunnels where combinations of high wind and driving rain are used to determine the slates performance with respect to wind loading and weathertightness.

These slates are a great solution where a low pitch rafter is present and a visual look of a quarried slate is required. The great benefit of the Cambrian slate is that they are made of 60% recycled welsh slate. This gives a wonderful finished look when laid to any roof pitch.

More information can be found on the Cambrian slates though the manufacturer Redland.

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