This large terraced property in Westminster had the roof replaced with a natural Spanish slate. Lead hips were fitted to new slates. The flat areas were […]
back addition roof slope with all of the original coverings removed and the existing roof rafters exposed for inspection. The roof was finished off with a […]
This project involved the refurbishment of a large Public House in Islington. The property being grade II Listed, had to have the very best Welsh natural […]
This large residential house had been converted into 3 flats. The roof of the property was the original and was in need of complete replacement. The […]
This typical London Butterfly roof still had its existing coverings, which had been repaired by other contractors many times in the past. The only option left […]
This back addition roof slope had the surrounding walls fitted with new copings stones. The valley had a new zinc valley installed. Spanish slates were fitted […]
This property had the best quality natural Spanish slates fitted, along with grey clay angle ridge tiles. The parapet valley gutters were replaced in zinc.